ITS Carolinas
Safe, reliable transportation systems through the integration of ITS in transportation operations throughout the Carolinas
Welcome to ITS Carolinas!
ITS Carolinas is a regional chapter of ITS America. Support from NCDOT, SCDOT, and the City of Charlotte along with commitments from multiple founding Sponsors have provided a foundation for a very successful chapter. We invite your organization to get involved to support the continued growth of ITS.
Our members, through their support and involvement, are what makes the chapter great. We appreciate the support and involvement that we get from all of our members!

Announcing The 2025 ITS Carolinas Annual Meeting
The 2025 Annual Meeting will be at the Wilmington Convention Center in Wilmington, NC on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 11-12, 2025. We will provide 12 technical sessions, featuring topics on recent Municipal project updates, applications in AI, and shared experiences with grant funding. Here are some of the technical sessions:
- Variable Speed Limits on I-66 in Virginia
- Predicting Crashes Before they Occur
- ATSPM Program in Charlotte
- Out-of-pavement Detection Options
- Truck Parking Technology
- Tennessee DOT ITS and Fiber Deployment Plan
- New Leadership in DC, what does that mean for FHWA
- Hurricane Helene’s Impacts on Everything
Social activities start the night before (Mar 10). We expect over 200 people in the pre-conference soiree. More information will follow.
Host hotels:
- Embassy Suites by Hilton Wilmington Waterfront
- 9 Estell Lee Place, Wilmington, NC
- Registration Code: 934
- Best Western (Gov. Rates Available)
- 503 Nutt Street, Wilmington, NC
- Townplace Suites (Gov. Rates Available)
- 305 Eastwood Road, Wilmington, NC
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© ITS Carolinas
PO Box 33248 Raleigh, NC 27636